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I’d love to, but…. -By Vyda Bielkus

So many times I have heard people say this, simple statement I’d love to but….  When I hear this statement I always cringe a little bit, as I feel a pang of sadness when the person runs down the litany of reasons why they can’t do something.  I see the “buts” as just a big cover up for the unworthiness the person feels in that moment.

In talking with students about yoga teacher training, many students have a deep desire to take the training and to learn more about themselves.  They know intrinsically “it is time” to commit to their self growth but then the “buts” come out and they get stopped in their tracks.

I’d love to but, I don’t have enough money.   First of all the I acknowledge that financial limitation is real.  However, people often don’t see that there might be a solution.  What I have seen time and time again, that once someone felt committed that the training was for them, the money was no longer an issue.  They simply found a way to pay for it, either by tweaking something in their lives or through kindness of a love one, etc.

Did you know that Health Yoga Life offers payment plans for the training?  We work with you.  Also the money you invest in the training will get paid back ten-fold over time. Whether you go out and teach yoga and create extra income that way, or gain more confidence to follow your passions into a vibrant career you love, yoga teacher training can be instrumental in you increasing your bottom line.

I’d love to but, I’m not good enough at yoga. Really?  How do you possibly get good at something, only through study and practice.  Our yoga teacher training is designed for all levels of students.  We have had a student complete our training who had never stepped into a studio prior to taking training.   Our teacher training simply works for novices to more advanced students.

I’d love to but, I have a full time job.  Most of the students, who have done our training, have had a full time job or other full-time commitment like school or family.  Our 8 weekend training was designed with that in mind. We know people are busy, busy.  The training weekends are dynamic and inspiring.  You get to take the energy of the training into all your pursuits, and also apply the techniques you are learning into your daily life to create more balance.

If I went on to write about all the “buts” this post would be pages long.   I invite you to bust through your “buts”, through your perceived limitations, and join us this fall.

Come learn more about our training!  Two FREE Information session at the Boston Health Yoga Life studio this week  Wednesday August 27, 2014 8:45 pm  and Thursday August 28, 2014 12:30 pm  email if you plan to attend.

Our program is limited in size. Please don’t wait to register.

Use this link to register: Payment plans available. Email to discuss.

Want a faculty member to call you and tell you about the training click here:

Email: with any questions! If you need to miss a session, don’t worry! We work with you to complete your certification!

More information about Boston yoga teacher training here:

5 Reasons Why Every 19 Year Old Should Take a Yoga Teacher Training. Guest post by Nicole Hicks

Oh yes. I said it. Just like we all read Shakespeare in high school and learned how to make mac n’ cheese in the microwave, I believe that a yoga teacher training (like the one I experienced) should be added to the list of must-do things for all people under twenty. Here’s why:

  1. At 19 you’re just figuring out who you are. It’s better to dive in deep now than when you’re 45 and have to break all of the habits and stereotypes you’ve been working with for so long (not that teacher training isn’t a great thing to do at 45!). Wouldn’t it have been easier to develop your sense of self when you were 19 and had lots of time to mull it over? The path of self-discovery should be introduced to more young people – perhaps the concept of a mid-life crisis could disappear.
  2. Yoga teaches you how to live. But really. Just the physical practice (asana) can help you learn to deal with stress on and off of the mat; not to mention the other seven limbs of yoga that most people forget even exist. Signs of stress, peer pressure, and judgemental attitudes become pretty universal by the time kids are in third grade. Now 19 years old seems a bit late to start a deep yoga practice, doesn’t it? Yoga gives us ways to cope and even avoid the plague of negative feelings that many adults unfortunately consider normal. The younger you learn, the better!
  3. Change is permanent, and any yoga teacher will tell you this. At 19, most people are experiencing dramatic upheavals (moving away from home, starting college, deciding on a career, etc.) and need to be told this. Change is natural and necessary. Life will go on, I promise.
  4. Learning to be open and present will change your life“Hellz no” you say. “I’m fine, thank you,” you say. And that is how being closed just kept you from taking a yoga teacher training and meeting wonderful people. Being open to new ideas is the only way we can grow into our authentic selves. Like everything else, it’s best to start this when you’re young, so you can practice keeping an open mind and heart for the remainder of your life! Being present is incredibly hard to do too – right now you’re probably half reading this article, checking facebook on your cell phone, and pretending to listen to your friend who’s telling you a story. With the insane amount of distractions adolescents face today, it’s easy to get lost in “la la land” (yes, I know, I’m a victim of it too). Teacher training will give you the tools to be present when you’re teaching a class of yogis, and that skill sticks with you outside of the classroom.
  5. Most importantly, you will learn to be authentically you. Any yoga teacher will tell you that one of the highest compliments you can receive is that you taught a class authentically. Being authentic, or “real,” is something that many of us struggle with as we try to figure out just who we really are. What better way to start your adult life than by learning who you are, and how to present that true-you to others?
  6. I know I promised just five reasons, but this one is good – You’ll learn really cool things like how to do a headstand, how to avoid that nickname for Massachusetts drivers, and what breath of fire (pronounced: BREATH OF FIYAHHHH) is and how to do it.

(This picture may or may not be an accurate representation…)

To learn more about the 200-hour teacher training course that I  took, check out!