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Are you asking for the life you want?- by Vyda Bielkus

There is a little image that goes around social media every once in a while. (See below)  It shows one small circle and an arrow pointing to it saying “Your Comfort Zone” and then another large circle saying “Where the Magic Happens”.  There is an awful lot of truth to the idea.  So much of what we want to create cannot, by any means, get created in the space where things are no longer challenging us.


When I was young girl, I remember a conversation I had with my mother.  I looked up to my mom (I still do).  There were many reasons to look up to her. Not only did she have four kids she also had her own business.  And on top of that she had a vibrant social/family life.  And still on top of that she exercised and took care of herself and meditated!  Did she make it look easy and effortless?  In a way yes, because she made it look like a hell of a lot of fun!  On one of those days when she was beaming from ear to ear, I asked her, “how did you get this full and fun life?”.  I was curious.  What was it that created all this joy that she had for living?  And she answered me, “When I was little, just like you, I prayed to God not to give me a boring life.”

Boy, were her prayers answered.  This simple message stayed with me long after she first said it to me.  No I didn’t become an adrenaline junkie (no jumping out of airplanes required), but I did understand that if I wanted to live into my potential I had to move away from inertia and toward that which at first maybe perceived as unsettling.  Often to this day when things seem a bit overwhelming or seem like the things happening at a given time couldn’t possibly be happening all at once, we often joke to each other “at least it’s not a boring life”.

It takes courage to be in a state of change and transformation.  It takes more courage to ask for it, to sign up for it, to seek it.  But it is precisely in those moments of being prodded, pushed, challenged that the truth of who you are rises to the occasion and the soul grows.  It’s precisely the experience and feeling of being “where the magic happens.”

Ready for a little more magic in your life, consider our teaching training!  Yoga asana (posture practice) is an amazing body transformer.  The other areas of yoga philosophy are potent life transformers!

If you have questions if our program is suitable for you, don’t hesitate to reach out.  We want to help you get to the right choice for you!  Email or call 857-350-4124. Chat with a lead faculty today!

Still time to join our Spring yoga teacher training in Boston! 



Or take training this Summer in Vermont with our 2 week yoga teacher training intensive!




Want to be happy? Learn more!-by Vyda Bielkus

Did you know learning something new increases your feeling of happiness?  As we engage our minds and bodies in a new endeavor, we feed our spirit with new insight which expands our consciousness.  This creates a feeling of contentment and well-being that is hard to find otherwise.



“People who are intensely absorbed in a task can lose track of time and place. Hours pass like minutes. They may be tired by the task but emerge energized and happy. This condition is known as “flow,” a name coined 30 years ago by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi” (US News and World Report article

Fascinating coincidence that the yoga we practice at the Beacon Hill yoga studio and teach in our yoga teacher trainings is called vinyasa or flow!  Our teacher training is designed to help you learn not only a ton about yoga but also about yourself.   Join us for our winter Boston Yoga Teacher Training and jump start a lifelong commitment to self-study.

It is guaranteed to give you the skills and confidence to have more personal satisfaction with daily living.  Yoga teacher training is a deeply rewarding process as you shed old limiting beliefs and are supported for true transformation. 

Kick start the year! There is still time to register for the 8 Weekend Boston Training.

CLICK HERE to read more.  Payment plans available. If you have questions reach out to me at If you need to miss a day or weekend do not worry, we work with you to make up the time!

CLICK HERE to register.

Not in Boston? Learn more about our Summer Yoga Teacher Training Intensive in beautiful Stratton Resort, Vermont CLICK HERE

Small Choice-Big Change!-by Vyda Bielkus

What is better than a little humor to uplift the spirit! This New Yorker cartoon does the trick.

NYT Cartoon

Wouldn’t most of us find it awesome to be making money “while wearing at T-shirt and sweatpants”? At one point in my life, I realized that my job (long hours, no value of work/life balance) and my desire for health were on complete opposite ends of the spectrum. I had had enough, and I was only 25.

Yoga was the only time during my busy week that I felt like I could breathe! As the yoga worked its magic, I started to wake up. I started to make changes. Soon I found myself in yoga teacher training and started moving away from wearing suits and heels every day to wearing yoga pants and being barefoot!

My quality of life soared. I’m not saying I didn’t have some bumps along the way as I transitioned my life, but I have never regretted my choice.

Make one small choice this end of the year for yourself. Whatever that is. A small choice empowers change. I chose health. My career came from that choice. Notice I didn’t say I want a new job. The choice matters to manifest your dreams.

To your health!

P.S.  Tuesday night, December 8, at the studio I will be answering your questions about yoga teacher training at 8:45pm. It’s free. Join me. Email me at

Our next training starts in January. Can’t make the info session CLICK HERE and opt-in. We will send you the LAST CHANCE savings that end this week. We’ve got an additional bonus for you just in time for your New Year’s Resolutions!

Conquering the Mountains of the Mind-by Vyda Bielkus

I am, no doubt, a city girl. I love the grit, the people, the commotion, and hustle and bustle, city living offers my active mind. However every few months I find myself desperate to get into the outdoors. Space. Like John Muir, founder of The Sierra Club, so greatly said “Keep close to Nature’s heart… and break clear away, once in a while, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.”

Luckily, as an entrepreneur and yoga teacher, I am able to create opportunities to do just that. Right now, I find myself leading a 2 week yoga teacher training at Stratton Resort in Vermont. When I close my eyes at night to sleep, the quiet is almost so shocking that it almost keeps me awake. There is no blare of sirens in the distance or chatter of voices on the streets. There is the just the faint sound of well, nothing. And there is something so magical about it. So healing indeed that it does feel like my spirit is being rinsed clean of the grime of daily life.

Today all the participants and I hiked up the glorious mountain and with each step, each huff and puff, up the vertical terrain, our legs grew stronger and are hearts more open. There is just something about being in nature that eases the soul. Even Deepak Chopra in his book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, talks about the importance of spending time in nature.


This hike reminded me of all the personal challenges we each face. The struggles that we build up in the mind to be huge mountains. When hiking if you look up you automatically panic, “how am I going to get from here to way up there?” we ask ourselves.

What I realized today is that if you stay present, the mountain is only an illusion. If you look at where you are, where your feet are actually on the earth, you realize that spot is flat. When you make yourself present to the moment you are in, the challenge, although might still be there, is suddenly much less daunting. Fear slips away in that very instant and you can absolutely conquer the mountain. One foot in front of the other, one precious present moment at a time, you will quickly find yourself at the top.

Ready to enjoy a little more presence in your daily life? Looking to decrease fear of the future or attachment to the past? Check out some of the ways our offerings can meet your needs!

Join us for our Fall 8 Weekend Yoga Teacher Training in Boston. CLICK HERE. Early bird ends soon!

Sign up for our Mind, Mood, & Muscle on-line plan. New yoga class, audio meditation, quick energy shift techniques, and healthy lifestyle tips every month! Perfect for anyone who wants to be able to practice at home or on the go! Only $14.95/month! CLICK HERE.

Did you know the Health Yoga Life on-line Coach Training can be taken from anywhere in the world? Be inspired today! Start living the life of your dreams. CLICK HERE to have a lead coach call you back for a FREE INTRO COACHING CALL: DESIGNING THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS. DON’T STAY STUCK GET GOING!

5 Reasons Why Every 19 Year Old Should Take a Yoga Teacher Training. Guest post by Nicole Hicks

Oh yes. I said it. Just like we all read Shakespeare in high school and learned how to make mac n’ cheese in the microwave, I believe that a yoga teacher training (like the one I experienced) should be added to the list of must-do things for all people under twenty. Here’s why:

  1. At 19 you’re just figuring out who you are. It’s better to dive in deep now than when you’re 45 and have to break all of the habits and stereotypes you’ve been working with for so long (not that teacher training isn’t a great thing to do at 45!). Wouldn’t it have been easier to develop your sense of self when you were 19 and had lots of time to mull it over? The path of self-discovery should be introduced to more young people – perhaps the concept of a mid-life crisis could disappear.
  2. Yoga teaches you how to live. But really. Just the physical practice (asana) can help you learn to deal with stress on and off of the mat; not to mention the other seven limbs of yoga that most people forget even exist. Signs of stress, peer pressure, and judgemental attitudes become pretty universal by the time kids are in third grade. Now 19 years old seems a bit late to start a deep yoga practice, doesn’t it? Yoga gives us ways to cope and even avoid the plague of negative feelings that many adults unfortunately consider normal. The younger you learn, the better!
  3. Change is permanent, and any yoga teacher will tell you this. At 19, most people are experiencing dramatic upheavals (moving away from home, starting college, deciding on a career, etc.) and need to be told this. Change is natural and necessary. Life will go on, I promise.
  4. Learning to be open and present will change your life“Hellz no” you say. “I’m fine, thank you,” you say. And that is how being closed just kept you from taking a yoga teacher training and meeting wonderful people. Being open to new ideas is the only way we can grow into our authentic selves. Like everything else, it’s best to start this when you’re young, so you can practice keeping an open mind and heart for the remainder of your life! Being present is incredibly hard to do too – right now you’re probably half reading this article, checking facebook on your cell phone, and pretending to listen to your friend who’s telling you a story. With the insane amount of distractions adolescents face today, it’s easy to get lost in “la la land” (yes, I know, I’m a victim of it too). Teacher training will give you the tools to be present when you’re teaching a class of yogis, and that skill sticks with you outside of the classroom.
  5. Most importantly, you will learn to be authentically you. Any yoga teacher will tell you that one of the highest compliments you can receive is that you taught a class authentically. Being authentic, or “real,” is something that many of us struggle with as we try to figure out just who we really are. What better way to start your adult life than by learning who you are, and how to present that true-you to others?
  6. I know I promised just five reasons, but this one is good – You’ll learn really cool things like how to do a headstand, how to avoid that nickname for Massachusetts drivers, and what breath of fire (pronounced: BREATH OF FIYAHHHH) is and how to do it.

(This picture may or may not be an accurate representation…)

To learn more about the 200-hour teacher training course that I  took, check out!