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What I kNOW…

Over the stairs in our Beacon Hill studio is a sign that says  “Stay in the kNOW”. It let’s folks know how they can connect with us online but also is a subtle reminder to stay in the now, to be more present.  Tonight I was thinking that that there is always a space for us to connect to a sense of true peace, where there is no fear, no stress.  This space lies right at the line of deep knowing which happens to occur when we are truly aware and present in the now,  for the only moment we have is here.  This fine line of knowing and now…kNOW.

I know this short time of our lives has felt out of control, with drastic immediate changes.  This can make it difficult to still our minds and to rest.  Fear does that it likes to grip us.  Tonight I invite you to try a little meditation before bed that might help you connect to a little more peace and tranquility.  As you lay your head on your pillow, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths in and out, and then ask yourself what do I truly deeply kNOW.  When fear does not steal my sense of who I truly am, what do i kNOW way down deep.  Below find a suggested way to begin.

I kNOW I am all right right now. 

I kNOW I am loved.

I kNOW I am peace.

I kNOW I am a beautiful being.

I kNOW I am protected.

I kNOW I can let go.

I kNOW I am resourceful.

I kNOW I am hopeful.

I kNOW…fill in your deep knowing….

There is no better way to learn about the practice you love than through a yoga teacher training.

Join us and give yourself the opportunity to rest, heal, shed, and grow.