Give Back This World Environment Day

If someone were to ask you what your favorite thing about the outdoors is, what would you say? The outdoors is undoubtedly remarkable, and because our actions directly impact the ecosystem, we encourage everyone to take a few steps towards protecting the environment. On June 5, try one of the following activities to give back this World Environment Day.

Plant a Garden in Your Backyard

Big or small, your own personal garden can do wonders in boosting the environment. The plants consume the carbon dioxide in the air and produce oxygen. Growing your own vegetable garden can reduce the amount of fossil fuels burned during the process of growing and shipping commercial produce. Plus, homegrown veggies just taste better, don’t they?

Bike Instead of Drive

If you live close to work or your grocery stores, consider riding a bicycle to your destination. Not only does it cut down on greenhouse emissions, but it also gives you a little more time in one of your favorite places—the outdoors! The fresh air will do wonders at relieving your stress, especially after a long day at work.

Create a Compost Pile

Along with planting a garden, you can create a compost pile to naturally get rid of any unused bits of food after cooking or baking. Composting gives back to the environment by recycling nutrients back into the earth.

Avoid Using Plastic

Too often, we opt for plastic options because they’re there, and we’re not really thinking about where all those plastic items end up. This World Environment Day, swap out the plastic grocery bags for paper or cloth. Make a conscious decision to use reusable water bottles. Choose to store your leftovers in a glass container or Tupperware instead of plastic baggies or plastic wrap. Even a small change like using less plastic can protect the environment.

Eat a Plant-Based Diet

World Environment Day is the perfect time to start a new plant-based diet. Whether you choose to participate in “Meatless Monday” or decide to go completely vegan (or something in between), your change in diet can help restore our ecosystems.

Even More Ideas

The ways you can give back to the environment don’t end here. For more ideas—from planting trees to cleaning rivers—check out the United Nation Ecosystem Restoration Playbook here.

Giving Back to the Environment

Restoring our ecosystem starts with you and us. Let’s make a difference on World Environment Day by making more sustainable choices. Follow Health Yoga Life on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and let us know how you’re giving back to the environment.

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