Four Wellness Trends to Try in 2022

It’s a new year, so it’s the perfect time to try something new in 2022. Sometimes we need a reset, or a jump start. Make the commitment that you’ll try at least one of the wellness trends this week.


Mediation never goes out of style, but there are so many different ways of meditating, so now it’s accessible to everyone. There are numerous ways to enhance your meditation practice, whether that’s with a meditation app that has a timer on it, a guided meditation from YouTube, crystals, salt lamps, essential oils, and more. If all of that seems too overwhelming, you can stick to the basics.

Start with five minutes a day. Sit or lay in a comfortable position and set the timer on your phone for five minutes. You can choose to meditate with a mantra, by counting your breaths, or neither. Close your eyes and let go. If a thought comes up, don’t let it draw your attention. Let it pass you by. Meditation is not about emptying your mind of all thoughts. If you don’t feel like you’re “good” at meditating, you’re not alone! The most important part of a meditation practice is consistency. Start with five minutes a day and work your way up.

Work Life Balance

The way we work has changed a lot in the past few years. With more and more people working from home, work life balance has become even more of a challenge. Here are a few tips on how to have better work life balance in 2022:

  • Have a dedicated workspace: This can mean that you have a home office, or just a corner of your bedroom where you have your desk. Keep a place that is just for work. When you’re done for the day, you can leave that space and make a mental commute back to your regular life.
  • Clock in and clock out: It can be so easy to tell ourselves “oh, just one more email” when we have our work at our fingertips. Set dedicated work hours and stick to them. Be vigilant with work creeping into your nights and weekends.
  • Routine: Just like your commute prepared you for your workday, you need to prepare for your day at home. Give yourself some prep time before you start work, and some decompress time after you’ve finished.
  • Take breaks: It’s so important to keep regular breaks during your day. Have a snack, take a walk, listen to your favorite song. Do something that nourishes you.
  • Incorporate wellness in your work: Meditate on your breaks, do yoga from your chair, fuel your body with a green smoothie. You can also bring Health Yoga Life to your company! We offer all kinds of yoga classes, wellness seminars, and guided meditations. Have your HR Director contact us to see what we can bring to your workplace.


What is reducitarianism? It’s a new trend where you reduce your consumption of meat, eggs, and dairy, without completely cutting them from your diet. This can have both benefits for your health and reducing your carbon footprint. Good for you, and good for the planet. If you’ve tried and failed to be a vegetarian or vegan, this is a great option because it’s more flexible. There are hundreds of incredible plant-based options out there that will satisfy your family.

Facial Exercises

Exercises aren’t just for your body anymore! Try some facial exercises to tighten and tone your face and skin. Keep in mind that when you’re working on your face, even if it’s a simple facial massage, think lifting. Move your fingers up to encourage lift. Follow with your skincare routine. If you want to start a new skincare routine this year, check out our post with tips on caring for sensitive skin.

There is no better way to learn about the practice you love than through a yoga teacher training.

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