Our Journey To Retreat

Over the last 2 years, we have been very grateful for our yoga, meditation and coaching practices. As we now head out of the pandemic, we all are facing some level of transition. As we look back at other transition times of our lives, we noticed that there was always a common thread that we felt helped us. We realized that what made those transitions easier and what helped us move toward more alignment with our own truth was taking time to reflect, go inward, and to listen to our own inner knowing.

Vyda’s Yoga Retreat Revelation – From Office Desk to Yoga Mat

“I had been working at a tech startup that was just about to have a successful exit, and I was burnt out. So, I decided to go on a yoga retreat for some self-reflection time, rest, and to gain clarity. It was November 2001, right after the tragedy of September 11th. To me, the world seemed very uncertain in this moment. And I knew I couldn’t continue working in a way that did not bring me joy.

I stepped away from my daily routines and spent a few days in a beautiful setting, practicing yoga, self-reflecting, and sleeping deeply. At the time, I couldn’t believe that at 25 I could be so tired. The retreat gave me time to slow down and recognize what was important in my life. While on the retreat, I came to two small choices, that ended up leading to big changes:

  1. I wanted more yoga in my life; and
  2. I wanted to have more control of my time.

When I came home from the yoga retreat, I resigned from my job, not knowing what exactly would come next. At the time, I could never have imagined I would be co-founder of a yoga and wellness company.  But looking back and connecting the dots, it makes total sense, and why I always remind people that it is our choices that change the world.

Siga’s Retreat Experience – Discovering Self

“My story begins shortly after I graduated from college. My mother surprised me with a retreat as a graduation present. It couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. I was in a very transitory stage in my life and about to enter the workforce during a shaky economy. Like many recent graduates, I wasn’t 100% certain on what I wanted to do with my life.

Much like Vyda, the yoga retreat offered me much-needed time to reflect, quiet my mind, and get space from the stress of daily life. This space to “just be” allowed me to think about who I am and who I choose to be. I began distinguishing the true Siga from the Siga people expected me to be or to become.

After focusing on my inner self, I was able to return home ready to align my true desires with my outward pursuits.

Remove the Obstacles

There is a simplicity to these types of retreats that give us time to focus on ourselves and to realize that limitations we perceive are not real obstacles. As you engage in yoga, make time for meditation, and reconnect to a like-minded community of people, you begin to appreciate a sense of renewal. Retreats also allow us to connect with nature which is very grounding. All these magical moments on a yoga retreat allows your breath to be freed, and stress to ease.

By living a few days at a slower pace than society has dictated for us, one is able to begin to sort out true priorities. Retreat experiences are so special as they create space to explore, understand, and uncover more about true ourselves.

You Are Ready for a Retreat

We want to share our experiences with you to show you how transformative yoga retreats can be. If you have any doubts about going to one, reach out. We are happy to chat with you. If you want to do it, you’re ready for it.

Often, the barrier to attending a retreat or training that we hear most often is “I’m not good enough in yoga” or “I’m not flexible.” However, flexibility is all in the mind. You don’t need to be good at yoga – it’s simply a practice you dedicate time to. Yoga is a Sanskrit word originating from the root “yuj,” which means “to join together” or “union.” So, yoga is the union to one’s true self or Higher Consciousness. If you are passionate about making time to focus inwards, you can get a lot out of attending a yoga retreat or participating in teacher training.

Join us at the Attitash Resort in New Hampshire for our Reunite Yoga Retreat this fall. Discover just how you can transform yourself and then transform the world. We can’t wait to reconnect with you there!

There is no better way to learn about the practice you love than through a yoga teacher training.

Join us and give yourself the opportunity to rest, heal, shed, and grow.