Introduction to the Seven Chakras

Before you can dive into balancing and healing your chakras, you need to have a foundational idea of what each of the seven chakras is. Each chakra is represented by a different color and part of your body. The chakras affect different aspects of your physical, mental, and energetic health. Here’s a brief introduction to the chakra system:

Muladhara (Root) Chakra

The first wheel of energy is the root chakra. It is connected to the earth element and represents our basic needs for food, water, and shelter. When this chakra is balanced, you’ll feel calm and grounded. When it’s out of balance, you’ll experience feelings of insecurity, fear, and stress. Remember when we talked about realigning the root chakra for Earth Day? You can find that post here.

Color: Red

Location: Base of your spine

Element: Earth

Swadhisthana (Sacral) Chakra

The sacral chakra connects you with your emotions and the emotions of others. It also plays a role in your creativity and sexuality. When it’s in balance, you’ll feel a sense of pleasure and fulfillment. When it’s out of balance, you might feel like everything in your life is out of control.

Color: Orange

Location: The lower abdomen

Element: Water

Manipura (Navel) Chakra

This chakra gives us our sense of personal power. It helps you feel confident, assertive, independent, and full of willpower. When this chakra is out of alignment, you may experience low self-esteem and digestion issues.

Color: Yellow

Location: Above the belly button

Element: Fire

Anahata (Heart) Chakra

The heart chakra affects your ability to give and receive love — to others and yourself. If you have an open heart chakra, you’ll feel compassion and empathy. But, if your heart is blocked up, you may have trouble letting others into your life and may experience feelings of unworthiness.

Color: Green

Location: Center of the chest, above the heart

Element: Air

Vishuddha (Throat) Chakra

The throat chakra is the first of the three spiritual chakras. It helps you be authentic and truthful. It not only helps with your communication and expression of yourself, but it also enables you to listen to others with an open mind. When this chakra needs a little extra attention, you may experience an inability to express yourself or communicate your truth, needs, and wants.

Color: Blue

Location: The throat

Element: Space

Ajna (Third-Eye) Chakra

The third-eye chakra gives you the ability of intuition and to see the bigger picture. You’ll feel capable of facing life’s challenges. If your third-eye chakra is out of alignment, you may feel cynical and untrusting.

Color: Dark Blue

Location: On the forehead, between the eyes

Element: Light

Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra

The crown chakra is the seventh and final wheel of energy. It represents your divine, spiritual being. When the crown chakra is balanced, you’ll feel more connected to everyone and everything around you. If this chakra is out of alignment, you may start seeking happiness outside of yourself.

Color: Violet

Location: In the space above the crown of your head

Element: Cosmic Energy

Building Awareness of Your Chakras

This is a lot of information about the chakra system. The best way to digest it all and begin your journey connecting to each chakra is to focus on one or two chakras at a time. Once you have an awareness of those chakras, you can begin to build awareness of the others.

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