Kids Yoga Summer Day Camp – Just Like Riding a Bike by Aida Bielkus

Mindful Monkeys kids yoga summer day camp teaches mindfulness skills.  These skills like riding a bike – they stick with you!

Think back to that moment when you first learnt to ride a bike.  You saw older kids whizzing by, heading away full speed…wow, you wanted that! It was time and the training wheels came off.  And there was someone to teach you, someone a bit bigger than you that could hold the back of that bike and help you push off.  But, you had to learn to keep pedaling, to steer and to brake.  Once you got it, though, it has come back to you whenever you’ve needed and you are a bike rider for life.  The feeling of those wheels turning under your feet pure freedom.

Mindful Monkeys kids yoga summer day camp teaches children mindfulness skills.  These skills, like riding a bike, will stay with them a lifetime.  Can you imagine learning breathing techniques, meditation and yoga as a child? These skills, like riding a bike, are learnt behaviors.  Someone needs to teach them to you.  Our yoga teachers at Health Yoga Life are those teachers.  A new vocabulary is introduced to Mindful Monkeys.  Words like: helpful breathing, stretching , strengthening, stillness, calmness and relaxation.  Through fun and play the yoga day camp teaches children that they can make mindful choices, mindful playing, mindful eating, mindful talking, and mindful learning.

Children live in a fast paced world full of external negative influences; bullying in school, marketing of high sugar artificial color, sports programs being cut, parents needing to work long hours, television used as a crutch.  Mindful Monkeys kids yoga day camp’s mission is to gift children with knowledge and a knowing that even at a young age they can begin to take responsibility for their environment.  Children will then use what they have learnt in their lives at home.  Information is power, this summer day camp will support your child’s self-power, self-esteem and healthy growth!

There is no better way to learn about the practice you love than through a yoga teacher training.

Join us and give yourself the opportunity to rest, heal, shed, and grow.