Right Choice, Big Result!- by Vyda Bielkus

In the last blog post I told you about how at 24 I thought I was having a “quarter-life crisis” and instead found my way to yoga teacher training. Training was a blast! A kick-in the butt blast. No way was I prepared for the level of physical intensity I was experiencing. Third day of training my body felt oh so good and “oh no” not so good. Not so good in what was like my 1000th downward dog that week knowing I would have a 1000 more, but good because I felt lighter and stronger than I had, I think, ever. The training was in a retreat like setting, so my food and bed were made for me. Score! And I met great people. Sweet!

Although I never thought I would teach yoga, I approached the training with the hope of getting something. Some kind of deep insight. As we headed into the final days of the training, I was starting to feel a little disappointed. What was the big insight I needed to see changes I desired? And why hadn’t I “gotten” it yet?

And then in one of my last savasanas, I asked myself what do I really want and I listened. And my inner wisdom told me: “I want more yoga in my life” and “I want more control of my time”. These two small choices from deep within from my most authentic self, when finally all the noise had stopped, have led me to this moment in my life where I own a yoga business with my family, and I am my own boss. And this is going on 15 years ago now.

Small authentic choice can be big guiding posts in your life. You don’t need goals, you need the right choices!

If you connect to something in yoga, and you see it serving you, consider joining us for our Yoga Teacher Training. Right choice, big result! Our Summer Yoga Teacher Training Intensive starts at the end of June! Sign Up here

There is no better way to learn about the practice you love than through a yoga teacher training.

Join us and give yourself the opportunity to rest, heal, shed, and grow.