How to Make the Most Out of Your Yoga Class

Sometimes the hardest part of doing yoga is getting on the mat or leaving the house to get to a class. You have more options now than ever to take a yoga class, but how do you make the most of it once you’ve started? We’ve got a few tips.

Be Organized

Even if you’re taking a class at home, like one from our On Demand Library, it’s still a good idea to prepare before your class. If you’re planning on getting up and doing a morning practice before you go to work, set your clothes, mat, blocks, etc. out the night before. You can fill a water bottle and stick it in the fridge so you just have it ready. You could even lay out your mat so you can roll right out of bed. Build your yoga time as an essential part of your day.

If you’re taking a class outside of your home, set everything you need by the door so you don’t even have to think. You can just grab and go. Make packing your bag the night before a ritual. You could even use a checklist to make sure you have everything you need. Water, mat, blocks, strap, towel, wipes, etc.

Have the Right Tools

We already talked about how to set up your ideal home yoga space, so take a look at that to see what you’ll need for a complete yoga experience. If you’ve had the same ratty mat around for a long time, maybe now is time for an upgrade. Yoga towels (we love the brand Yogitoes) come in all kinds of fun patterns and colors and can brighten up your practice. Another tip: if your yoga towel has a logo on one end, you can use this as a place to focus your gaze, or Drishti.

Put Your Phone Away

There’s a reason so many studios have a NO PHONES sign on the doors of their yoga rooms. Leave your phone outside! You’ve taken the time out of your day to do something just for you, and all of those calls and messages can wait. You also won’t be able to make the most of your class if you’re constantly checking messages or worrying about emails.

If your day is especially busy and you can’t be away from your phone, maybe just take five minutes and do one of the quick breathing exercises with Stephen we also have located on our YouTube page. Some days life can get in the way of yoga, and that’s okay.

Wear Something You Feel Good In

This doesn’t mean you have to go out and blow a bunch of money on fancy leggings. This just means chose clothes that put a little strut in your step. Fun colors or patterns, or pants that are the most comfortable and give you freedom of movement. Stay away from anything that will stress you out about being too thin, or falling down, or not fitting properly. It’s hard to focus on your poses if you’re worrying about your clothing.

Listen to What Your Body is Telling You

You may have the best intentions to really go hard that day and attempt a pose you’ve been working on, but sometimes, our bodies just aren’t having it that day. Other days are completely different and you’re solid as a rock in your Eagle pose. Check in throughout your class. You might start out feeling really stiff and find your body loosening up by the end. Or you may push a little too far in one pose and then need to back off.

Make the most of your yoga time by following these tips in your next yoga class, whether that’s in-person or online, or both!

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