Prioritizing Yourself, Your Dreams & “Me Time”!

August is an amazing month: the weather is gorgeous, there are endless concerts and festivals, and work weeks tend to become a countdown until the next weekend getaway to Cape Cod…ahh, summer…

Despite the relaxing benefits August has to offer, many of us think of this time of year as a sort of calm before the storm: our kids are getting ready to go back to school, the patio furniture needs to be cleaned and stored and, soon enough, the chaos of September will be upon us!

Look, we get it. It is so easy to get caught up in planning after-school activities, scheduling meetings, finding time for family or friends, and writing out to-do list after to-do list. Even the most seasoned Yogi can be guilty sometimes of prioritizing work and family over themselves or their practice but, as the saying goes…

“You cannot pour from an empty cup.” ~ Author Unknown

Making time for yourself and scheduling a little “me time” is critical not only in maintaining your own sanity during times of stress, but also in providing for others. When we prioritize ourselves, even if it’s just for ten minutes each day, suddenly the stressors of the day seem more manageable and we are able to give more to the work and people we love.

“Me Time” Meditation

One of the best ways to schedule a little daily “me time” is to make time for meditation. Whether you’re at home, work, or anywhere in between, it’s easier than you think to incorporate a meditation practice into your daily schedule. Start by dropping by for one of our guided meditation classes, offered every Tuesday and Thursday at 5:15 p.m. at our Cambridge studio!

Short on time? Our Mind, Mood & Muscle Online Plan gives you access to downloadable, guided meditations as well as quick, 5-minute energy shifts so you can treat yourself on the go! CLICK HERE to subscribe to Mind, Mood & Muscle today!

Start Saying “Yes!” To Yourself!

Making time for yourself ultimately comes down to saying “Yes!” to yourself and your dreams. For instance, can you think of something you’ve always wanted to do for yourself, but have put off due to work or family obligations? It’s time to stop saying no and start saying NamastYEAH! to those dreams!

Have you always dreamed of becoming a certified yoga teacher? Registration for our 8-weekend, Fall Teacher Training is open! Whether you’re dreaming of teaching after the New Year or looking to deepen your practice, our 200-hour program (certified by Yoga Alliance) is perfect for yogis of all levels and ages! CLICK HERE to reserve your spot today!

And, if all else fails, treat yourself to an at-home spa night! We absolutely love making our own spa recipes and the below mask is one of our all-time favorites!

HYL “Luv Your Mug” Face Mask


  • 2 tablespoons of full-fat, plain yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 teaspoon of matcha green tea*

*Matcha is a powdered form of green tea. If you can’t get your hands on any matcha, simply steep a green tea bag of your choice in boiling water for one minute, remove, open up the tea bag, and sprinkle in about 1/2 of the bag!

If possible, try to use organic ingredients. Once everything is mixed, stick your concotion in the fridge for a few minutes and apply the mask to your face, avoiding the eyes. Lie down (if you can) for about 15 minutes and rinse off!

There is no better way to learn about the practice you love than through a yoga teacher training.

Join us and give yourself the opportunity to rest, heal, shed, and grow.