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Props for Enhancing Your Home Studio Space

Props for Enhancing Your Home Studio Space

One of the great things about yoga is its flexibility (no pun intended!) – you don’t need anything but your body and a mat (or a towel), but you can choose to use props to enhance your practice. Here at Health Yoga Life we love Yoga Direct because it’s a one-stop-shop for all things yoga accessories. Whether you’re wanting to deepen your practice or take a relaxing restorative session, you can find everything you need at Yoga Direct. In this blog post, we cover some of our favorite props.

Accessories for Restorative Yoga

Restorative yoga can be a great way to ease your mind before the start of a new week. Bolsters and blankets are the perfect accessories for restorative practices. Bolsters are firm enough to be supportive yet soft enough to feel comfortable and relaxing. Yoga blankets warm, pad, and ease your muscles, and you can get these blankets from Yoga Direct in neutral colors or traditional Mexican patterns. Choose your favorite bolster and blanket then join us on Sundays at 5:45 PM for an online restorative class.

Props for Deepening Your Practice

If you want to get deeper into a pose or provide extra stability, yoga straps and blocks will be your best friend. Yoga Direct’s straps can deepen a pose or help with modification when you’re first starting out. For proper alignment, you can select one of Yoga Direct’s blocks. Larger blocks can raise the floor to a level that is comfortable for you as you continue to grow in flexibility and strength. Smaller blocks are great for supporting hips and improving balance. Keep growing in your practice with essential yoga props like blocks and straps.

Cushions for Meditation

To prepare your body for meditation, you can sit on a cushion. The zafu and zabuton cushions aid in your sitting practice. Combine the two cushions or use one or the other for comfort and support during meditation or yin yoga.

Everything You Need to Enhance Your Practice

However you enjoy practicing yoga, there’s an accessory to enhance your practice. From comfort-inducing blankets, bolsters, and cushions to strengthening straps and blocks, you can find everything you need for a home studio space at Yoga Direct. After outfitting your yoga space, sign up for a class with a Health Yoga Life certified instructor.

For even more essential yoga props, check out our post here.

There is no better way to learn about the practice you love than through a yoga teacher training.

Join us and give yourself the opportunity to rest, heal, shed, and grow.