No to Kefir, hello to Kevita / Review by HYL Sister: Siga

The label on a bottle of Kevita sparkling probiotic beverage calls it a “superdrink.” It also says it gives you “delicious vitality”™, and even love. Strong claims for 450 ml bottle of reverse osmosis water laced with four strains of living probiotics.

My flavor in favor is the pale, gently perfumed Coconut (you can see the sediment from the fruit speckling the bottom of the glass, so swirl before you chug). Not too sweet, it’s lightly effervescent (far subtler than kombucha), with a tropical hit of coconut water. The yogurt tones of the probiotics give it an almost creamy texture, which may satisfy the cravings of those with a dairy allergy. All the ingredients are organic, non-GMO, and vegan; the Coconut variety is also only 5 calories per serving. The only negative is that you’ll drink it too fast the first time you try it. Learn to savor the moment.

The health benefits of probiotics are well-known, and a full dose of Kevita leaves your stomach feeling like it’s had an hour of insightful personal Health Yoga Life coaching. Your whole digestive system experiences a happy glow. So it’s delicious and vital. And the love? What better way to give your stomach, actually your whole body, some love than treating it to a bottle of good health?! Superdrink, indeed.


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